Deep thoughts, and beautifully expressed, Ponder. I especially like the section on "Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit". That is so true, and it helps us all remember the importance of instilling a spirit of discovery & creativity in artistic endeavors. Thank you for sharing your writing and passion for music with us.

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Wonderful article - such a great synthesis of so many important strands of thought! Here's to a renaissance in music education.

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Not so much voice but rhythm, it is inherent or internal to my body therefore must need that certain tempo to maintain civility as it embraces the external ...all that is outside of my body.

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And we do join you in your pursuit for you have well said that "voice and rhythm are inherent in all people." "Perhaps" is a great read and perhaps "music and the arts still matter, and perhaps matter more than ever before." It certainly does in my mind. Thank you Ponder for including me. Papa Kirt

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Bravo, friend!!

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